There are many ways to find accommodation in Oulu. Most relevant for exchange students is PSOAS, the student housing foundation of Oulu. 

Remember to check out what your host university recommends regarding housing!


Finding housing on your own

If you've been declined by PSOAS then look for the other housing agencies operating in Oulu. You can apply for a family apartment/studio and share it with your friends. If you are subleasing an apartment from someone then make sure it's a genuine offer. Don't make any money transactions before signing an agreement and ask for their passport or ID card copy. Never give your passport or ID to anyone. If they ask, give a photo copy. You can also ask advice from your student tutor (if you have one) or someone trustworthy living in Oulu. Ask them if they think this lesser or deal is legitimate. OYY (Student Union) also has a guide page in this regard.


Personal Identity Code (Finnish social security ID) 

Sometimes when looking for apartment you are asked for your personal identity code in order to rent an apartment. Read more about what that is and how to get it in HERE. 


Here are some helpful links:


Oulu student housing organisation. Put yourself in the queue as soon as possible!

Oulu Sublease Point

A student-managed facebook group for finding a sublet room


Locals facebook group for selling, buying or renting apartment in Oulu. Halutaan vuokrata=I want to rent. Annetaan vuokralle=looking for rental guest. Remember to state clearly what you are looking for and with what price.


Lumo is Finland’s largest privately owned market-based landlord and the largest property owner by value of housing stock.


Students rental agency, private people renting out their apartments. Contact

Oulun Sivakka

Sivakka owns over 7000 rental units around Oulu.


Rental agency for people under 30 in Oulu.


Housing Anywhere is a housing platform where people can rent out rooms to international students.


Kotimaailma offers an alternative to a hotel. Get 15% off the price with ESNcard! Check  for details.


Forenom offers an alternative to a hotel. is a comprehensive online marketplace for rental properties in Finland. Ads from private persons as well as from rental agencies.

Ads from private persons.


Oikotie is a comprehensive online marketplace for rental properties in Finland. Ads from private persons as well as from rental agencies.