Timetravels trips

ESN <3 Timetravels! Together with our travel agency partner we take the Baltic countries, Norway and Lapland! These trips are student priced and the program is designed by experienced Timetravels professionals. Walking tours in the beautiful cities of the Baltic countries, northern lights in Kilpisjärvi or perhaps swimming in the fjords of Lofoten, Norway? Let’s go! 

Timetravels is responsible for the terms and conditions on the Timetravels trips. ESN Oulu is not responsible for any cancellations, changes or ticket refunds on Timetravels trips. Contact customerservice@timetravels.fi if you have any concerns.


Other trips

ESN Oulu arranges different tours and trips in the near-by areas. Often there is a discount with ESNcard. These trips may not happen every semester. Follow us in Facebook and Instagram @esnoulu to get latest info on our trips. 

IKEA day trip

You need cheap furnitures, Swedish meatballs, chew tobacco, or you just want to take a picture on the border of Sweden and Finland maybe? Let's go to the twin cities, Tornio-Haparanda! 

Hailuoto day trip

Hailuoto is a beautiful island community with special history, nature and athmosphere. It is located approx. 40km from Oulu and you have to take a ferry to get there. We go by bus to check out the light house, museum and lunch. 


To some of the nearby skiing centers. Possibilities include for example Svanstein, Ukkohalla and Iso-Syöte! Sometimes the trip is a day-trip and sometimes we stay for a weekend. We will get the best group deals on transport, accommodation and after-ski program ;) 


Mökki is Finnish for cottage. Every fall we go experience a Finnish cottage weekend without modern comforts like indoors toilet. Programme includes games, swimming, sauna, light hiking, great views and amazing company. Come and get to know the pure Finnish nature! 

Pirates of the Baltic Sea

YARRR!!! Every semester we sail to Sweden on a ship filled with 1000 international students from all over Finland. The program includes buffet dinners, a heck of a boat party and a tour of the Swedish capital, Stockholm. More information here.