For questions concerning academia, admissions and your study programme, please contact your host university: Oulu University of Applies Sciences (OUAS or OAMK) or University of Oulu


ESN Oulu contact info

E-mail: info (at)
Facebook: ESN Oulu
Instagram: @esnoulu
Snail mail: ESN Oulu ry, Keskusaula, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1, 90014 Oulun yliopisto, Finland

Visitors and office entrance: Biologintie 4, F4-door, 2nd floor, HK207, 90014 Oulu 

Account number (Holvi):
IBAN:           FI89 7997 7997 4611 29

Company registry number (Y-tunnus): 2660271-2

Association registry number: 212.067


How to find our office video guide (starting from Linnanmaa main lobby)


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